Tom Lange, AKA Mr. Warhawk is back in Whitewater following two rounds of heart surgery in Madison.
Therese Kennedy sent the following note this week:
Tom Lange has busted out (LOL) of St. Mary’s Hospital in Madison and is at Fairhaven in Room 203. He’s been a great supporter for Warhawk Athletics & Whippet Athletics. I’m sure he would love to have some visitors.
At the end of Warhawk football practice Wednesday evening Coach Leipold told the team that Tom L. is back in town. The announcement drew a big ovation from the players, coaches, managers, and the one media member that was taking in practice.
Not having Tom on the sidelines during Training Camp has been a huge void. For year's Tom is in charge of blowing his air horn (a pictured) at the end of each segment of practice. He was also missed being the first person recruits would pass entering the Student Athletic Complex when reporting to preseason practice.
I lobbied to have a cardboard cut-out of Tom in front of the SAC. Due to the red-tape of a public institution the idea was squashed.
Welcome back Tom and the players told me to tell you GET BETTER and if you can, come out to a practice!
By the way, doctors at St. Mary's Hospital confirm to Voices Blog that Tom did bleed purple during his surgeries! REALLY!!!
If you have the chance, stop by Fairhaven and say hello!
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