All poceeds raised from this summer's Cure 54 Foundation events go to Warhawk football alum Art Gutierrez who is battling colo-rectal cancer. This is Art's second battle within a year with this very aggressive cancer.
A Cure 54 Golf Outing will be taking place on Saturday, July 9, at the Jefferson Golf Club. The 13 hole "best ball" event will get underway with a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. If you are wondering why it is a 13 HOLE event is because the Jefferson Golf Course is a 13 hole course!!
The cost is $65 - including golf, cart, prizes and reception. Please register AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
Non-golfers are invited to attend the post-golf reception at the Jefferson Golf Club for a donation of $54 per person.
For more information on the Cure 54 Foundation and for a registation form for the Art Gutierrez-Cure 54 Golf Outing CLICK HERE
A reminder
The C.U.R.E. 54 Foundation is currently seeking donations for a charitable fundraising event that will be held at the New Berlin Ale House on Friday August 12rh. The event will include a silent auction and a raffle. All proceeds from the C.U.R.E. 54 Foundation will be given to Warhawk alum Art Gutierrez who is battling colo-rectal cancer. This is Art's second battle within a year with this very aggressive cancer.
All funds raised for Art will be used to seek treatment at either the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York or at MD Anderson Hospital in Houston. Both of these institutions are regarded as the two best cancer treatment centers in the United States.
If you have any sports memorabilia or other items you can donate to such a cause, please reach out to any of the organizers of the C.U.R.E. 54 fundraising event, including:
Brad Kligora (414) 587-4298
Jeremy Bergum (608) 289-4877
Ty Redmond (908) 591-0714
Pete Kishline (262) 370-9810
Once a Warhawk - Always a Warhawk
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